Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Who are we?

We, Poshizone, are an online shopping platform and facilitate our users to find all products in one place. We are highly concerned about providing a state-of-the-art shopping experience, and to achieve this goal, we collect some user data without compromising your data security.



We keep track of our visitors’ comments to enhance our services and quality. We collect the comment data along with the visitor’s IP address, browser agent data, and cookies that help us to analyze and detect spam. User feedback is highly valuable for us.

To check whether you use Gravatar services, we generate an anonymous string or hash and send it to Gravatar. You can see their policies here:  

Once your comment is approved, your profile photo becomes publicly visible next to your comment.  



We allow our users to upload images in the comments and their reviews. However, we advise you not to upload images with implanted location data like GPS. It is to avoid any data breach because visitors can download and draw out location data using the images on the website.



We store and use cookies to enhance our services and your user experience. It helps us assist our users in easily accessing their desired items. You may need to enter your name and email address when you comment on our site. It will be stored in cookies to easily identify our valued users and enhance the convenience level. It makes you free from entering your data again and again. The cookies will remain there for one year.

On your every visit to our website, we use a temporary cookie to check whether your browser accepts cookies or not. It doesn’t contain personal data other than browser information and is destroyed if you close your browser.

For our registered users, we maintain multiple cookies to record login data, screen choices, and other behavioral points. Cookies with login information remain to live only for two days, and other choice cookies remain available for one year. If you click “Remember Me” your login data will last for two weeks, and on clicking “Log out” these cookies will be discarded.

 An additional cookie stores relevant data when you publish or edit an article on our website. It doesn’t contain personal data, only keeps the record of article ID and edit information, and lasts only for one day.


Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this site might include inserted content (for instance, pictures, videos, audio, articles, and so forth.). Implanted content from various sites performs precisely as though the visitor has visited that website.

The other sites might gather information about you, use cookies, implant extra third-party following, and screen your collaboration with that inserted content, incorporating tracking your dealings with the installed content, assuming you have a history and are signed in to that site.


Who we share your data

We are highly concerned about your data security and don’t share your data with any third party. However, when you apply for a password change or reset, your IP address will be contained in the password reset email.  


How long do we retain your data?

We do not retain user data unnecessarily. As described in the Cookies section, we record and retain visitors’ cookies to enhance their experience at our site. This data persists for one year and, afterward, is discarded.

We store relevant information when a user or visitor leaves a comment on our site. It is used to automatically approving of further user comments instead of retaining them in the queue.

For registered website users (if any), we retain the data that is provided in their user profile. All clients can see, alter, or erase their data whenever (with the exception that they can’t change their username). Site administrators can likewise see and alter that data.


The user rights over data

As you are the data owner, you provided us to use. So, you have the following rights:

  • You can visit and change your data any time that is provided in the user profile.
  • You can request an exported file containing your data recorded at our website, or you have provided it to us during your website visit.
  • You can request to erase a part of your or entire data from our website.
  • You cannot request to erase the data we use for administrative, legal, or security purposes.


Where your data is sent

We use an automated spam detection service to check the spam activity in the visitors’ comment section. This service may use your cookies’ data.

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